infoMechatronics and Industrial Automation

Engineering of Future Automation Systems
Intelligent machines operating
like robots
Agent-based control
Reconfigurable manufacturing
Embedded networking control

Networks of Embedded
Control Devices |
Next generation of PLCs -
high performance embedded controllers
with wireless communication
Hardware - software co-design
Compilers, drivers and run-time platforms
Engineering in Automation |
Component-based design methods
focusing on re-use of intellectual property
Service-Oriented Architectures and
Semantic Web Technologies to support on-the fly reconfiguration
New programming languages for
automation applications
Visualisation, graphical design of
automation systems
Design of
Intelligent Mechatronic Actors |
Integrate mechanical, electrical,
pneumatic, and control features in a new building block of future
Develop new design methods
combining CADs with embedded software design
Modelling, Simulation and Formal Verification
Software tools for animation,
visualisation, model-design, simulation
New theories of formal verification for
automation applications
Model-checking tools
Methods of improving automation systems
using formal verification
(C) Valeriy Vyatkin, The University of Auckland, 2007, All rights
reserved |